Marker styles

There are 17 predefined markers available:

You can also make your own marker style using the Ngl.new_marker function. See example (output)

You can change the marker style by using gsMarkerIndex for markers associated with polymarkers or Ngl.add_polymarker, Ngl.polymarker, Ngl.polymarker_ndc.

For scatter plots or xy plots that include markers in addition to lines, use xyMarker or xyMarkers (more than one line on a plot).

The marker style is changed using an integer from 0 to 16, or using an integer returned from Ngl.new_marker. The default is marker index 0 (Asterisk).

Code Snippets

res               = Ngl.Resources()
res.gsMarkerIndex = 4    
res.xyMarker      = 4    
res.xyMarkers     = [2,5,12]